Science cannot see

without the light of love.

Love First

then seek to understand.

John Senior

We Are The Masonry.

Our mission is to provide families and classrooms with ​effective tools to build cosmos through nature study and ​handicraft.

Love first, then seek to understand. That is our guiding ​principle. We say with John Senior,

We can only love what we know because we have first ​touched, tasted, smelled, heard, and seen.

To that end, we equip families with tools that put kids in ​direct contact with nature so that they may, in the words ​of Charlotte Mason:

Know a plant by its gesture and habitat, its time and its ​way of flowering and fruiting; a bird by its flight and ​song and its times of coming and going.

Father with kids hiking in beautiful nature

The Masonry.

Building Cosmos.

Want to know more? ​